Te Pūnaha Matatini International Advisory Board: February 2024
Kia ora, TPM's International Advisory Board.
This page shares information about the Engagement Incubator: a participatory process for iterating engagement ideas, connecting scientists and researchers with 'best practice' from public engagement with science (PES) theory.
The resources will remain here—laundromat.makinggood.design/TPM-IAB—for your reference. Ngā mihi.

We use science communication is an umbrella term covering any ‘organised, explicit, and intended actions that aim to communicate scientific knowledge, methodology, processes or practices in settings where non-scientists are a recognized part of the audience’ (Horst et al., 2017). Engagement (or public engagement with science (PES)) is a subset where there is an expectation of two-way processes with mutual benefit for publics and researchers.

See Cunliffe (2004) and (2016); Salmon et al.(2017) and Bailey, et al. (2022).

We found:
Three overarching interrelated issues voiced by participants:
1. the value of design (of process; experience; and of artefacts)
2. collective social experience and culture
3. resonant content from public engagement with science (PES) theory

Three key points of reflection pertinent to theory for us as researchers:
1. the role that design played in making PES theory practiceable;
2. our role as researchers enacting PES theory;
3. the circularity and need to continually revisit engagement work

See Bailey et al. (2022) and Finlay (2008).